May 16, 2009

fcuked up.

My life's fucked up. It seems hopeless. I feel helpless.

I once had a thought while i was logged in in facebook. While i was opening an application, I wondered why it would always ask me if i would "allow" others to have an acces to what i do as if others would care. It gives me the option to "post" and let others see what im doing or "skip" so it could be seen by no one. It does irritate me due to the fact that i hate being asked the same question once. Just then, i realized that more than the quizzes, my friends, the chat feature, games and quizzes, that irritating item is what i like best in facebook.

So what's the connection of my life fucked up and facebook?


Last night i hoped my life's a little different. Someone came into my room without knocking. I pretended i was doing something. The truth was, tears were rolling down my face. Thoughts came all over me reminding me of the misery I'm in.

I have friends to share my problems with. Yet, I believe that there are things i have to deal myself successfully before i ask for rescue and have someone answer my life's questions for me.

Just so you know...

I hate people lying to me and still manage to give me a smile.

I have to review in a center to pass UPCAT and ACET.

I need to see my friends.

Are those things too much to ask for?

I'm not asking for shortcuts on how to live an easy life nor give me all the ways not to screw it. I'm just wondering why life's treating me like this. I'm not broke. Just Broken. Oh. maybe Both.

1 comment:

Azrael Coladilla said...

its great to see and meet our friends. they give great advice and comfort to us